Our Consultant
Our Consultant Dr.S.Agnihotri,BVSc&AH,CAIIB, is very senior. Vast Experienced Veterinarian. Before joining to us, he was worked as Veterinary Surgeron. As Chief Manager SBI.
He has wide experience of knowing poultry Industries in deep. As he was instrumental in financing many poultry farms in his banking Carrier. As general Manager VENKATRAMA POULTRIES OF SAKKU GROUP. He headed the purchase department of industry, for more than 4 years. He hold detail experience of purchasing raw materials from many states of India.
Now Dr.Agnihotri is Consultant of our Company. He is Developing,Imporving Quality,Branding,Formulating Market Stratgey and heads to look company management.
he is consultant our customers face to face telephonically,solving their general doubts,Providing Nutritional suggestions, And Ensures low cost feed expenses to the poultry farmers. Using the Product of ALAM INTERNATIONAL.Poultry Farms get readymade solutions of their many problems.
Poultry frams Can Conatact him on this No. +91 8827619477